26 January 2015


guess what dear humannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,

i just finished my degree's life! on the 13th January 2015. ahaks. it means no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee studyyyy and all that assignments (except you know, if i repeat but lets not just talk about it). Tadika's life, primary's school life, high's school life, foundation's life and now degree's life. I have absolutely succeed in overcome the hardships of learning all those stuffs which are quite adventurous and fun and lovable (i just have to admit it since those moments are the only places that i've got the opportunity to met with my friends and etc) despite of my taksukabelajar mood was always on and rarely took a break. kahkah. but who cares.

i am an adult now..

and despite of all the times that this is the time that i have been waiting for is already passed, i have to enter into the whole new world by means, i have to started thinking like seriously sit down and have that serious face of what should i do after this.


and i hate thinking.
i hate to think about the future, i just wanted it to be smooth and to think that there are ways of how to survived and i just need to follow the ways but hey life isn't easy ya know.

and thinking.

but lets not just do some thinking. action bro. but i havent done with thinking yet.

kerja apa nak cari, kerja apa yang sesuai (whichisnone) kerja apa yang best dan tak susah untuk belajar, yang penuh dengan kesukaan, dengan gaji yang tinggi, cuti yang banyak but tssssssskkkkkkkkkkk...

tapi semoga Allah memudahkan segalanya. i hope..and walaupun saya nak jadi suri rumah je, berdoalah supaya rezeki bakal suami saya dipermudahkan, and kalau tak pun berdoalah supaya hidup selepas ini saya akan menjadi kuat untuk mengatasi segala rintangan.


my son is 6 and my daughter is 5 this year

Masya Allah my eldest son is 6 years old this year……..6 FREAKING YEARS OLD??/?? WHERE DID THE TIMES WENT? Okay mummy sorry baru nak update t...