28 March 2019

althaf muhammad is finally wean off?

hi! Assalamualaikum everyone.

My soleh boy

Althaf is now 2 years 2months almost three months and he is currently not on my milk for five days until this seconds...

I have mixed of feelings right now. Or every time i see him staring at the sources, trying to sniff it and touch it with a sad face like "hey... u there, but i cannot get milk from you anymore.. do u miss me" kind of face.. 

Mummy is extremely sad and emotional.  When he got his sisters, he was just 1 years and 7/8 months. He shared his milk with his sister for 8 months. He has been breastfeed from the day he was born until few days ago. Two years is not a short of times. The bonding when he cries for it, when he look into my eyes while susu, the milk is his drug. He cry, sleep, happy, cranky, milk will solved it. Milk is everything for him. Pastuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu brb crying first.

I admit, since he is 2, i kind of dislike the feelings when he breastfeed. I got this angry feeling, wanting him to just finished it off quickly, and i hateeeeeeeeee the bergerigi feeling. Maybe because i felt that now he is two, i have done my part as mother and now please get off from my milk haha. Susu pun alhamdulillah sangat sangat cukup sebenarnya untuk dua orang. Kadang kadang tak jadi nak wean off sebab susu bengkak, lepas tu malas nya naka pam suruh abang dia je habiskan. Huhu Sebab tu tergendala selalu nak wean off ni.

Tips for weaning? hemmmmmmmmmmmm. We just talk to him everyday, every time dia tengah susu tu, cakap je banyak banyak kali "althaf dah besar. no susu. adik kecik, adik susu, papa tak susu, mummy tak susu, abang ali tak susu, wan tak susu. Althaf besarrrr dah no susu. Maluuu maluuuuu"
Memang dia buat dont know je, pastu kalau tak bagi, of course dia akan mengamuk ngamuk. Tapi tak lama lepas tu tiba tiba dia dah tak mintak... pastu tunggalkan mummy terpinga pinga macam sekarang.

Cumanya, dia memang dah boleh tidur without my milk kalau malam malam. His father selalu dodoikan dia.. tepuk tepuk dia jadi it became habits to sleep on his own. Lepas tu ada satu fasa hari tu yang papa dia busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sangat  sangat almost everyday balik lambat and mummy takda mood hari hari, so paksa semua anak anak tidur awal hari hari. Tutup lampu, susukan adik pastu dia penat tunggu turn dia, pastu dia pun tidur sendiri. Lepas tu jadi habit. Tapi dia still bangun  tengah pagi buta ngamuk ngamuk nak susu, atau pagi pukul 7/8/9 pagi macam tu nak susu nak susu sampai ngamukkk sangat sangat. 

I think that was the turning points of all of this. 

Tiba tiba "eh dah sehari althaf tak mintak susu la, eh dah dua hari la, althaf okay ke eh? can he lived without my milk? are you breathing my son?????????/// #NANGISSSSS"

Wean off ni takkan berhasil kalau takda sokongan dari papa dia sebenarnya. Sebab time ngamuk ngamuk tu la, papa dia dukung dia, explain kat dia, and dodoikan balik dia tidur. Thankyou papa, i am not kental enough, mesti lah rasa stressssssssssss sangat dengar dia nangis, and you were always there helping him and mummy. Terima kasih......banyak banyak!

Takda pun letak benda pelik pelik dekat susu kita tu, Allah mudahkan wean off kali ni. (EMM WALAUPUN TAK MUDAH SANGAT SEBAB IT TAKES LIKE MONTHS JUGAK HAHA) Alhamdulillah. Yang untuk Maryam nanti macam mana lah.. Semoga rezeki susu mummy untuk Maryam sentiasa ada macam Allah murahkan rezeki susu mummy untuk Abang Althaf. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin...

Adios, Assalamualaikum!

05 March 2019

Wishlist crossed off


Hai Assalamualaikum!

Now serves me steak mummy #saidmaryam #whisperingtomyear 

Hehe. Thankyou le hubby menjayakan sama sama misi wishlist ni. I havent tried it yet except reheating baby food maryam yang dah buat cukup untuk 3 hari 😂. 

Semoga maryam makin kuat makan dan rajin makan apa yang mummy masak please. Benda ni bukan murah. Sobssss

It is late night already, nothing to merepek dekat blog sebab dah ngantuk dan emotionally penat dengan drama althaf semuabendatakkena hari ni. Today i lost my battle to be a good mom. Again :( 

Tomorrow? Is a new hope.

Adios, Assalamualaikum ❤

my son is 6 and my daughter is 5 this year

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