11 July 2017


 Althaf face is myface during my monyok day haha

That day, during our Raya at Kedah, i was so emotionally annoyed that i wanted to eat, but i want my husband to ask me to eat first, because i dont know why. Mostly because i am a girl, and that makes a girl, girl. They dont know what they want and they get annoyed and then sulk. *geleng kepala*.

I was already so so hungry even though i jamah sikit the foods prepared by my Mil. But of course, that was not enough. And my husband was so clueless that he went to groceries shopping first that took hoursss, and then when he came back i was all this monyok face and he asked 'why sayang' 'why ni' 'orang buat apa ni' 'kenapa' '. That is the thing we called 'lelaki'. Sooooooo clueless. hahahahaha!

And then

"Sayang lapar eh?" eeeeeeee tau pun!

"Ofocurse la kita lapar! kita breast feeding, kita lapar! kita kena makan banyak!! Sayang ni pergi kedai lamaaaaa pastu tak ajak kita makan dulu. Huaaaaaaaaaaaa" and that was what i said. In my heart. Dalam hati.

What i said was actually, geleng kepala "tak ada apa" 

Itulah PEREMPUAN!! Hahahaha. It can tooks day for me to explain why i sulked. But if my husband terror pujuk, it tooks hours for me to tell. Hahaha. Later when he knew the reason behind my monyok face, he said this

" laaaaa, kenapa tak makan je. Makan je la, nak tunggu orang kenapa, macam la sayang tak biasa"

"Memang la tak biasa.. ni bukan rumah kita.. kita malu... kita  nak hubby..."
i said that, in my heart again. hahahaha. Later he took me to eat, filled up my pinggan with lots of food and eat beside me. Hihi Thankyou sayang.

But to be honest i was super annoyed with everything that day.

The next day.

"Sayang.. kita tak boleh solat lah" i said that slowly to him...

Seconds after that, he bursted into loud laugh saying this " LAAAAAAAAAAAA Patutlah moodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy je, nak peod rupanya!!" lepas tu dia sambung gelak. Hahaha

But i am the type of women that doesn't get sengugut. So i would not know when i'll be having my period days. So i was unsure was that whyy i got so moody and annoyed?

But. Last week punya merajuk confirmed it. #SMH

We were about to go out to an event at Cheras. I wore my son stocking and a pair of shoes that looks like a stocking. And then my husband asked me

" kenapa pakai dua stokins?" Asked my husband with a very weird expressions.
"sebab nanti tempat tu sejukkkk" i replied him

Then, i went to the toilet to take a bath. Later when i finished my bath, i saw the shoes that looks like stockings was left alone on the bed. I dont know where my husband and my son went. I felt soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad looking at the shoes. I mean, why my husband took it off?? Why he doesnt appreciate  my effort for not letting coldness memeluk Althaf.?? WHY!! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Sampai ke situ tau fikir. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Membencikan bukan? Hahaha

Then i monyok again sampai la naik kereta, and when husband bought me food barula cool down sikit. After that i pendam je perasaan tu sampai la ke malam. Later that night, i still have unsettled feelings so i asked him about the event pagi tadi. I told him about the shoes. Then he said


Repeat above sentences 10 times. HAHAHAHA he was soooooooooo in disbelief mode that i was actually getting sad because i thought that he throw away the shoes because he doesnt like the idea of stockings over stockings. But is is not stockings!! It is shoessssssssssssss! HAHAHA.

Then he explained, that Althaf, our son tu yang tendang tendang kaki dia sampai tercabot sebelah. Then my husband cabotlah lagi sebelah sebab dia ingatkan Althaf taknak. Okay. Fine.

Whatever the reason is, i am sad!! over the things that i shouldnt. Girls.

Then the very next day, I had my period.


so so sooooooooooo true

To end my speech, ewah speech! i want to give some positivity by showing off montel Althaf. Hope to cheers your day! Jangan monyok monyok yaaaaaaaa hihi #notetoself

Adios, Assalamualaikum! :)

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