31 July 2016


Hi Assalamualaikum!

Semalam 31 Julai, saya menutup penghujung bulan dengan sifat sifat yang tersangat cranky. Ini semua salah kucing! hahahaha Kucing pula dipersalahkan.

Cranky ni selalu digunakan untuk budak budak yang tiba tiba je menangis tak tentu hala. Itu yang aku faham la. Tapi untuk aku, cranky ni boleh dikatakan mengeluh, menangis merengek tak tentu hala, tak tahu sebab, perasaan yang tidak selesa dan pelbagai lagila! Oh! sungguh crankyyyy rasanya menulis tentang cranky ini Haha.

Semua benda macam tak kena. Hampir pukul 3 dapur masih belum berasap. Dunia seakan akan blur (akulah yang blur tu). Ayam awal awal lagi dah dikeluarkan dari freezer. Nak masak ape dengan kau ayam pun aku tak tahu. Blur betul. Padahal bukan hari hari masak. Menjadi suri rumah pun baru empat bulan.

Belum layak digelar suri rumah yang bingung fikir nak masak apa yer. Suri rumah yang 10, 20 tahun layaklah. hahahahaha

Lepas melihat aku begitu tidak tentu arah. Encik Husband menawarkan diri untuk masak. Phew.. my Savior. Sambil memotong bawang putih dia mengarahkan aku mengambil tepung gandum, blend cili kering.

Ape kah menu yang mahu dimasak oleh beliau.

Apabila ditanya dia kata entah, pakai hantam saja laaaa. Pulak dah. Kita yang blur ni lagi jadi blur melihat dia keluh kesah di dapur. Hahaha. Hampir nak terbalik jugakla dapur tu. kekeke. Tapi disebabkan aku cranky sangat. Semua benda tak mengena. Jadi aku biarkan sahaja beliau dan dunia masakan beliau. 

Nak potong bawang pun aku jijik. Eh alahaiii kau dah kenapa.. kau dahhh kenapaaaa.

Ni mesti sebab tadi masuk kandang kucing sapu sapu kaut kaut taik Ayam. Badan terus rasa tak sedap dan geli geli. Sebab tu la tak suka sangat dengan kucing... Bulu bulu dia dah dijinakkan dalam fikiran sebagai agak kotor. Padahal, Kucing adalah binatang yang terbersih sekali dlm duniaaaaaa! (woww) (macam pernah baca) (harap ianya betul) 

Dan lepas tu terus terbersin bersin seharian. Menganggu emosi ibu ibu betul. Dahla ibu ibu ni banyak angin. Kalau seminit tu ada enam puluh saat, aku punya sendawa keluar angin tu adalah 689 kali. Begitu over sekali perbandingan ku. Ahahahaha. 

Lepas tu pulak, Hajar masuk dalam rumah. Lalu tiba tiba dihadapan mata ku dia muntah muntah. Muntah beb! Kau ngandung lagi ke Hajar?? Hahaha. Walaupun aku kasihan sekali melihat dia, tapi aku lebih terpesona akan muntah muntah yang dia lemparkan di atas carpet. Aduhhhhhh. 

Naik lagi la rimas. hahaha Encik Husband jugaklah yang kena bersihkan.. Huhu.. Maaf :(

Habis je adegan muntah muntah tu, barulah hubby kata nak masak. Masa tu memanglah dah 100% geli dengan diri sendiri. Dengan hidung tersumbatnya, dengan rasa diri sangatlah berbulu uihhh macam macam rasa. Mengeluhhh je masa nak tolong tolong hubby tu.

Sampai satu saat dia berkata

"dah la dahla...tak payah tolong.. pi tiduq kaa.. duduk tengok korea kaaa"

Sebabnya, muka memang dah masam mencuka (tapi cuba senyum). Tapi takkanlah nak goyang kaki kan.. Kesian pulak dia terkontang kanting (padahal dia pro je masak) (selalu jadi master komen kat kitew)


Beliau Berjaya masak, dan aku masih kekal Cranky. hahaha

 Ayam chili flakes, sayur bayam air, dan telur kari? All done by hubby. 
Sewaktu beriadah (beriadahlah sangat *mata ke atassssssss terjuling juling) 

Habis hubby masak je, naik atas mandi dan solat barulah tak terasa cranky sebab dah rasa bersih. Lotion minyak wangiii semua kasi sapuuu sambil kata kat hubby

" I smell like cat"


26 July 2016

my rant about our cats

Hi! Assalamualaikum

I am really sorry if this entry contains lot of grammatical errors, and i am deeply apologise if you are a grammar nazi kind of type. (you must be super annoyed hahaaha)

Our house apparently have like 3 adult cats (hajar, hitam and manis) and the youngster (2 hajar punya, 4 or maybe 5 manis punya) (she is not that manis actually) (always meowing meowing) (get a life pleaseeeeeeee) (okay, your life is here, with us) (im sorry i am not so Cat lover) (unless, the cat berbulu2 tebal) (but still, err no.. ) (dont come near to me unless you are hungry) (BUT THE CATS, HITAM AND MANIS ARE HUNGRY ALL THE TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!) (and they are super annoying) (now i felt so bad) (but listen to me first)

This entry was supposed to be titled 'price comparison' between kedai acheh , and big big mall but seriously, since i wanted to do an introduction, that has to involved the cat, i suddenly got very furious thinking of them, and erm... thus, it turned out to be a 'rintihan kucing' entry. 

So, Manis is a daughter of Hitam (who has a LOT OF kids, seriously, but the kids of Hitam from many many many many many many manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy many pregnancies, are died already or i dont know, maybe run away  to get a better life) (Wait. do cats kid called kids? or kittens? or whatt? hahahahaha malas google so kids k..err) I dont even want to know. It is hard to take care of her already, and you can imagine how hard to take care of her kids if they all keep stay to live with us. And WORSE. IF ALL OF THEM HAVE THE SAME BEHAVIOUR AS THEIR MOTHER, because you know what. Manis behaviors is exactly like her mother. 

  • meow 24hours. whether hungry or full already, they still meow ing until we looked into their eyes, giving the stare " go or ill kill you" but unfortunately they are animals. they dont have brains, so they cannot interpret my stare and thus, meow meow meow some 24hours more. 

  • always trying so hard to enter into the house. like seriously guys. you all have your own house (WE HAVE THIS ONE BIG KANDANG SPECAILLY MADE JUST FOR THEM), and better not. you all have the world outside as big as you can go but still they insists to enter into the house, with any possible lubang and ruang they got. windows open? zappp they meow. seeking for attention, doors open? meoww again. windows of the kitchen? THEY EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THEIR HANDS AND TRIED TO FREAKING OPEN THE WINDOW LIKE SEEEEEEEEEE? YOU KNOW HOW TO EVEN THINK YET YOU CANNOT INTERPRET MY STARES??!!!!!

  • berak and kencing IN THE HOUSEEEE!! like dude. *boiled blood* tak kenang jasa dan budi. we give food for you, and this is what you repay us?? It was not like they have been stay with us for one or two days, it has been yearssssssssssssssss k. and yet, they dont still understand. geezzzz.. annoying. hahahahahaha

Sometimes i get really stressed out. Like they dont even know what is "putus asa" means, selagi tak masuk rumah selagi tu diorang akan cari ruang untuk masuk dalam rumah dan menyendeng2 dekat kaki walaupun kita dah shuhh shuhh diorang but still diorang menyendeng lagi sambil meow meow huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and i wanted to cry if they did that!!! Plus, if i am eating, and they just eat and they still want more, and what can i do?????????? I cried. It was worst, if we have guests attended to our house, and they dont even know timing. MANNNNNNNNNNN TIMING MANNNN. Oh, they are woman. GEEZZZ. 

I think that explains everything. Even when the cats are woman, they still can be supper annoying and clingy and urghhh like a woman in human. 

The reasons why i am so stressed out are because

First, as i told you i am not a cat lover. I can 'wwaaa so cute so cutee' touch them a little bit and thats it. For the non cute cats, i will just give them foods so that they can go away far far far away from me or if i am feeling a little bit angelic, i will just pat them on their heads and went "poor you must be so hungry" "but please, dont come near me again" "come only if you are hungry" "only if you are hungry". I AM STILL A HUMAN okay, i know they can feel hurt, hungry, and etc. But i am not a cat type. 

All i can do is giving them food. and done. shuhh shuhhh.

But deep in my heart, I love Hitam and Manis. For this one odd day i was thinking "what if hitam died? the house would be so lonelyyyyyyyy without them, dont die dont die, just please behave well"

And, if i havent seen Hitam for days, i started to freak out. Like where is hitammm? Lamanya tak nampak. I long for their meow meow. (why do i feel like that?!) but they still irritated me. i am annoyed okay. hahaha

LOVE IS SO WEIRD. or it is just me. huhu

Hajar on the other hand, is super super nice cat. She behaves so well. She dont even meow!!?? Ahahahaha. She eats cat food (super easy to take care of) (meanwhile, hitam and manis eat human food so ='= it is super hard to give them food when the family cook dishes that does not contain ikan or ayam, or if we dont have any of that in our refrigerator) Very passive type of cat, love to keep herself by herself. Haha. And dont care about us. LOL.

Penantnya mengeluh.

Ketemu lagi, bye bye! 

21 July 2016


hi Assalamualaikum!

My sister, Asfia has been teasing me a lot about how will i look during my pregnancy. She keeps saying things like

"wehhh aku tak sabar naktengok kau kembang hidung kembang perut bonyot, bontot besar,segala galanya lah kembang!! hahahahaha"

Continued by her hysterical laugh. Seriously this kid. Annoyed me 24hours. hahahahahaha

and as her laugh ended, i can only gave her deadly stare and said

"eeee mana ada lah, ada je orang pregnant tak besar pun, perut je besar. kau senyap lah!!

and she will replied very very very confidently to me,


the word 'kembang' keeps echoed in my ears.......gais..... 

YA ALLAH, can i just kill her? hahahahahahaha kiddin. i love her.

Nevertheless, at first, i thought mehhhhh no la, i will never get any bigger than this. Look at me, im 3 month pregnant but I keep losing weight. It is so impossible to me to get bigger. I would look like the other gorgeous prgenant woman who keeps their body steady and slimmer. HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUUHUHU.

My first month till the third month of pregnancy, i was feeling err sick everyday and some days it gets better but mostly...if you witnessed me vomit out the yummy food that i ate, you also gonna pity the food and obviously me (looks super horrible with sad looks). How waste for the beautiful creatures have to be thrown up in longkang najis. Haha. And my appetite also was nowhere to be. It is in contrary because i am a food lover. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to eat. I could order three different of dishes for one dinner (and not finishing it...ups.. haha)

My weight during the time that I suspect i am pregnant was*4something, and suddenly after weeks of vomiting and no desire to eat, that my husband merely has to force me to eat (never people force me to eat before this hahahaha) i have lost around 4 kilos. I was even more heavier during my wedding. LOLLLLLLLLL.

But now, since i am on my way to the fourth  months, it seems like my mualness and vomitting tends to be..............GONE.Tiba tiba hilang. I have heard that pregnancy sickness will eventually gets better in the third to fourth months and i guess that is right.. syukur ALHAMDULILLAH. hahahaha. My mom told me that she used to has pregnancy sickness (mual and muntahh muntah )  till the 9 months of her pregnancy and it happened to every single pregnancy she has. I was like "wowww.. could it be genetic that i would inherit your way of pregnancy sickness? oh Allah, please no.. i cannot tahan.. no la.... " sambil mata berair. Plus, she has been pregnant for 7 times. Allah blessed you mama. Huaaa...

It was horrible. KEMUALAN. It was like your healthiness has been yanked, and all you can do everyday is mourn over it. You got no energy to do any tasks and house cores nd also dont have the mood to even be happy. (bila mual la.. bila tak mual.. its like i own the world!! ahahahahaha)

Since the mual mual and muntah muntah seems to be out of my sight for now.., i keep eating and eating, and hungry is my normal thing again. I have nasi in the morning , during lunch and also dinner. WOW. Just wow. and wow again. Like wowwwwwwwww. HAAHAHAHAHA.

I guess then, i have to .............

you know... starts imagining my self when i will look 'kembang' in the upcoming months....
and hemmmmmmmm. 

Anything for you baby, mummy Loves you. and Papa also. Just please, behave well.. starts practising to sleep during the night only, so by the time you out, you dont have to be wailing and crying disturbing our beautiful sleep. Mummy and papa is an old couple on the inside k. We love to sleep just like the elders. hahahahahaha.

bye bye *wink

20 July 2016

My Love Story

Hi Assalamualaikum!

Buku Diari Hamil mengatakan seorang ibu mengandung akan cepat melupai sesuatu perkara, kerana keadaan ibu yang terus menerus bekerja berlebihan untuk perkembangan bayi sehingga menimbulkan penghalang kepada pemikirannya (-ms 66 salin sejibik hahahahaha). Oleh kerana itu, sebelum ingatan manis ku dimamah usia dan waktu..marilah kita mencoretkan sedikit caritan untuk dibaca anak cucu tentang kisah cinta ...

mummy dan papa.... (masa ni mummy tengah pregnant anak pertama, 3bulan baru..) 

Kami mula mengenali pada hujung 2013 pada satu trip gunung (v1) yang mengambil masa selama 6 hari 5 malam (kalau tak silap lah hahahaha ). Mengenali disini bermaksud hanya mengetahui bahawasanya si dia wujud di muka bumi. Kerana, di trip 6 hari itu hanya ada dua memori sahaja yang terkesan di dalam otak mengimbas wujudnya suami ku itu.


Memori yang pertama, pada pagi di Puncak Gunung Korbu, pihak urussetia menyediakan sarapan mee ke keaw teaw dan memandangkan sajian itu sedap, tiba tiba sahaja suara siapa entah menunjukkan ke arah tukang masak sarapan itu. My first impression was

"oh...dia... okay...*senyum*" Perasaan itu memang kosong, tapi seakan tenang. Mungkin kerana dia seorang yang luarannya sentiasa tenang dan lumrah alaminya pendiam dan tak banyak cakap (but he talks a lot now, with me ihikihik) (it is a STRUGGLE to make him talks) (after months of training) (hahahaha)

Memori yang kedua, adalah pada penghujung trip dimana banyak penurunan dari pendakian berlaku, semasa sedang mahu sampai di rest point yang dari kejauhan dah dengar suara suara dari orang yang laju2 belaka sedang berehat, ternampak satu beg dibaluti plastik sampah yang diletakkan di tengah rest point tu, dan sesuka hatinya ku meramas beg itu. Rupa rupanya bukan beg yer, tetapi suamiku yang dibaluti plastik sampah hitam itu . (lol, kenapa perkataan ini nampak seperti.....................lain?) (meramas=memegang=membelai lebih kurang lah apepapelah kan hahaha)


I was so shocked, and he also shocked. We together gether shocked. Tergelak semua yang menyaksikan, apetah lagi yang dalam plastik tu. Hahahaha

Mungkin Allah nak bagi hint kepada yang meramas dan diramas 

"this is your future wife, and this is your future hubby, please make it memorable that you two will be soon married to each other and lived happily ever after"


And that was it. Sepanjang 6 hari, itu sahaja memori yang terpahat berkaitan dengan suamiku itu. Betapa tak pentingnnya dia didalam kehidupan ku ketika itu. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (now i cannot ever think i can even live without him, i loveyou sayang) (sorry ter cheesyyy pulak) hahahaha.

Dan selepas trip itu tiada apa apa yang berlaku, kecuali mendapat friend request di facebook bernama "Muhammad Rabani" (indahnya namamu sayang... BAHAHAHAHA). and that wassss it also. Kebiasaan lah, lepas trip je facebook mesti ramai kawan kawan yang dari satu trip akan add meng-add kerana apa? Kerana gambar yer gaiss.. hahahahaha. Tagged photos and all that.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, kami berjumpa semula pada Trip CBL.. (berjumpa di gunung sahaja, mampu tak? hahahaha) Masa tu, saya ada seorang kawan perempuan gunung yang saya rapat, yang merupakan kawan juga kepada suamiku itu (kami berjumpa di Gunung juga) hahaha, dia selalu bercerita tentang pelbagai perkara, salah satunya

" Rabani tu siyess baik..dia selau ada...bla..bla... etc etc..lepas tu sambung cerita lain" hahaha. Semestinya kawan saya tu tak bermaksud nak mengenenkan atau apa apa. Tapi disebabkan pujian dia terhadap suamiku itu, membuatkan saya yang agak susah open pada lelaki menjadi rasa senang nak berkawan dan approach him first. 


Sebelum bas bergerak ke Terengganu, (cbl terletak di situ), suamiku itu merupakan Along "pengutip duit" pada yang belum melangsaikan duit trip. Hahaha. Dan tiba tiba sahaja waktu dia sedang mengira duit yang begitu banyak itu, saya mendekatkan diri kepada dia lalu.........

"nak tolong kira boleh tak"
Dia buat muka terkejut dan selenger sebentar.
"oh haaa boleh boleh.."

lalu duduklah kami berdua di kerusi panjang hentian LRT Gombak, mengira saling berdepanan.. 


Faktor utama mungkin sebab, suamiku tu rapat dengan kawan rapat perempuan ku tadi, jadi secara automatiknya, haruslah aku terjebak dan pura pura rapat sekali. Peramah betul tiba tiba seorang Aqila Safuan.. Haruslah, haruslah peramah. Pergi trip yang takde kawan, atau kawan seketul dua, kenalah jadi peramah kalau tak, tak best lah..

malahan approach untuk offer ambik gambar dia???? berani sungguh kau hahahaha 

haaa yang tengah tu lah kawan rapat perempuan sepergunungan saya. Dia baru kahwin minggu lepas and i am so happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for her! See, pura pura rapat jugak ambik gambar bertiga hahahahahahaa

Trip tu sumpah best, sebab banyak jumpa kawan kawan yang best, tempat SubhanAllah cantiknya.... Rinduuu sangat sangat, dan tempat tu la menjadikan kami dari strangers bertukar menjadi kawan biasa.. dan  lama lama menjadi rapat... lalu rapat bertukar... (alahai..tiba tiba hati melting) (HAHAHAHAHAA) (kau kenapa..) Tapi masa tu jadi kawan biasa lah. Berbulan bulan bertukar tahun baru jadi rapat..

Orang bising bising borak sana sini, suami ku tu hanya tumpang gelak, tak gelak senyum. Eh tu je ke awak mampu masa tu? Hahahaha. Lumrah orang pendiam kot. Main tembak2 air pun guna gigi je dia senyum dan gelak. Tapi dia cakaplah dengan orang orang yang dah biasa.. Dengan saya baru lagi kot... Hahahaha. Gaiss.. he do talks okay. Dengan orang yang dia tak biasa ja dia tak cakap. Dia senyum je. Comel kan. Hhahaha.

Lepas dari trip tu, banyak jugak trip yang kalau dia pergi, saya pergi. Kalau saya pergi , dia ada. Dimana ada ku, disitu ada kauuuuuuuuuuu.. HAHAHAHAHA. Tapi jujur, bila berkawan dengan dia, tak pernah ada rasa dia ni..

Macam mana yer nak expresskan in words..

Comfortable 100% dengan dia, walaupun dia tak banyak sangat cakap, tapi kita senang nak bercerita dengan dia, senang berkawan dengan dia, He is a great helper. Kalau ada benda yang dia boleh tolong, semestinya dia tolong. Tanpa berkira. Tak pernah rasa dia menggatal atau nak mengayat, he is not that kind of guy. Mulut tak manis langsung. (masa bercinta , dan lepas kahwin lainla) (HAHAHAAHAHA) tapi sebelum kami heart to heart. Memang tak langsung dia bermanis manisan.. Hanya dari perbuatan je boleh agak dia "eh dia ni suka kat aku kot" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAA. Amboi panjang gelak qila? 

Dan perangai perangai dia ni semua orang setuju rasanya. Baik kawan lelaki, baik perempuan, memang dia berpelakuan sebegitu. Sentiasa menyenangkan orang. Sentiasa Disenangi. I knowla,,i observe bila dia dengan kawan kawan. hahaha. Dan orang seperti ini, merupakan kebaikan Allah nak beri pada kita.. Thankyou Allah.. Segala puji pujian, nikmat, kebahagiaan hanya buat -Mu.

Masa ni dia baru sampai dari Kedah, sanggup datang Konvo kita walaupun semalaman dalam bas,  bawak bunga lagi....tapi dia mandi ke tak eh?? hahahaahaha


Penghujung March 2015,

dari Nov 2013-2014-2015, bulan March baru kami heart to heart, dan confessed we loved each other and start a new relationship for us. Hahahaha. 

Padahal sebelum tu, dah bagitahu dia dah i have a crush yang berlangsung selama bertahun tahun itu (kau ingat cinta kau cukup sejati lah kau setia suka laki ni bertahun tahun?) (hahahaha) tapi dia respon 

"oh...ye ker.." pastu bagi nasihat sikit.. Takde pulak dia suruh berhenti berharap ke apa. That is how kind he is. Dan sejenis pasrah/lantak kaulah. Lelaki tu pun tah tau awak wujud ke tak. Itu yang dia kata dulu. Jadi sebab tulah dia tak kesah pun pasal bekas crush ku itu. Wah. berkeyakinan. Dan dia terus menjadi diri dia, membuatkan ku jatuh cinta...hari demi hari..... (k k k stop..) (bukan novel cinta) hahaha.

Dahla masa first time confessed tu, terus cakap tentang Alam perkahwinan (HAHAHA, tak penyabor penyabor ..) Maksudnya, perhubungan yang akan dijalinkan ini bukanlah main main. Lagipun, kami berdua masa tu belum ada kerja yang kukuh atau apa apa yang menyebabkan kami boleh berkahwin. Cuma niat tu dah ada.. Selalu kalau keluar berdua.. selalu cakap tentang kahwin. Dua dua tak sedap bercinta tanpa ada perhubungan yang halal. Tapi nak kahwin, tapi tak mampooo. Hahahaha

Bulan 6 2015 ke, masa tu Puasa pertama, dia ada interview (masa tu takde kerja tetap lagi, job ada pun job naik gunung dan kerja di kedai air) Dan alhamdulillah dia dapat kerja tu.. Masa tu lah baru boleh bernafas sikit, barulah boleh fikir nak kumpul duit kahwin ke, hantaran apa semua lagi. Kesiannya suamiku. hahaha. Tapi waktu tu tak decide lagi tarikh tunang ke kahwin ke. Kami berkeyakinan je kami akan kahwin. Masa keluarga dia datang , dengan niat nak berbual bual antara dua keluarga, lebih mengenali antara satu sama lain itulah.. tiba tiba terjadi Rombongan Merisik. Cincin takdelah (ohgosh adat...toksahlah komeee) Mama, saya yang slamber tu tiba tiba je tanya bila nak satukan depa ni. Tiba tiba terkeluar dan satu keputusan tegas

1) tarikh bertunang (bulan 27/12)
2) tarikh kahwin (26/3)

Gugup tak gugup mak ayah suami ku, bertemu dengan 'kasi redah sajaaaa' mamaku. Hahahaha, Jadi dari situlah titik. Okay tak boleh dah keluar selalu, fokus nak kumpul duit yada yadaaa.. Tapi tak jugak. Tak jumpa nati mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang (sekarang pun TT). HAHAHAHAHA. Sudahla masa tu, mama cadangkan kahwin bulan 1 terus je. Oh mamaku!! Hahahahaha. Tapi disebabkan atas rasional rasional yang berlaku, ayah mertuaku mengatakan kahwin bulan 3 je la... Alhamdulillah. Itu pun dah cukup awal dah. 

 masa ni baru lepas membuang, tiba tiba dah kena panggil.. nervousnya...Allah je tahu
 my forever friends...thankyou kesayangan.. they helped a lot, and give me tips a lot also hahahahahaha

Bila kitorang dah tegas nak jugak kahwin, selepas 5, 6 bulan macam tu dia dinaikkan pangkat. Lihatlah betapa Agung dan benarnya ayat Allah.. Kalau kita betulkan niat, nak kahwin...murah je rezeki Allah bagi.. Mama pun kata kat suami, hantaran berapa berapa je dia mampu bagi.. Alhamdulillah, semua Allah mudahkan....

broccolis...rinduuuuu TT thanyou surprisedkan diri ini yang tak seberapa.. terasa bahagia princess princess gitu. hahaha
 testing baju one week before kahwin... haha..
 with my parents...
Dan Alhamdulillah, we are now married!!

Dan sesungguhnya, saat ni masih lagi rasa tak percaya dah kahwin dengan lelaki sebaik dia.. Hari hari doa kat ALLAH, limpahkan kebahagiaan ni sampai bila bila.. bimbing kami menuju ke jalan dan Redha Allah. Rasa bahagia sangat setiap hari sebab dapat lelaki yang baik macam hubby.. Rasa bersyukur..semua rasa adalah. Baik macam mana, bak kata kak nurulism dalam blog dia, baik suami tu biar kita je lah tahu. hahaha..

Penatnya. okaylah itu sahaja.. Mungkin lain kali boleh kasi up satu entry "my wedding day". 


13 July 2016

how myhusband stops me from talking


I always 24hours chatting and talking if my husband is around. Him, despite being my super handsome husband (hubby...jom baskinrobbins?hehe) is also my forever truly soulmate, real bestfriend, my tukang siram muntah, my punch bag when i get irritated at night if i cannot sleep, my tukang urut and many many laaaaa (thankyou Allah for this gift....) always has to bear with all my chattiness.

" do you think i would become a good mom?"
"yes..only if you do is not always sleep"

"hubby, can you buy me scanner.. i want to see the baby la.. we do not need to always go to the clinic if we wanna see the baby, plus we can use it for generations!" i was so excited when i said that
" heyy! pening la baby tu nanti..asyik kena scan je"
"but..but.. i wanna see the baby..."
"no...la..nati dh lahir tengokla puas2"

"hubby jomla... kita tinggal luar negara.."
"okay...nak pegi mana?" ish this guy mengundang harapan betul dgn okay dia..
"emmm switzerland??"
"kenapa switzerland?"
"sebab...cantik and sejuk!!"
"pegi kundasang je la... cantik dan sejuk jugak"

This morning, he bought me nasi lemak before he went off to work. Because of our room is always filled with super great semut with brilliant nose (they have noseeeeeee?) whenever we put food down on the table, without even 1 minute semut dah maiiiiiiii. So stressful, seriously you all.. get a life somewhere else. HAHA. He left thenasi lemak without theplastic bag.

About 10.30 am he called me, who was still sleeping beautifully (luls) ...
"sayang..dah makan nasi lemak?"
"emm belum.."
"makanla dulu...orang lupa letk plastic nati semut masuk dlm nasi lemak tu...nati dah habis makan tidur la balik"(HE IS SO SUPPORTIVE RIGHTTT I MEANN MAAAANNNNNN DAH KAHWIN BANGUN LAMBAT APE LAGINYA?? HAHAHAHA)
"em... nati gemuk...lepas makan tidur gemukla...'

you want to know what he answered?

"dah tu jangan la tidur. bangun! bangun!" dengan suara tegas.

cheeky husband. These conversations are all that I remembered as it happened  either 2 days ago and last night but seriously...he has the ability to left me speechless and rolled eyes at him..


i love you Rabani!

10 July 2016

Nasi Impit dan Kuah Kacang


Seperti yang dikatakan di entry yang lepas... bahawa sanya saya akan mengalami depresi yang besar kerana tidak dapat beraya bersama keluarga pada tahun ini..benar benar terjadi..

OK. taklah depressed mana. Tapi, disebabkan hormon hormon pregnancy ini membuatkan hati seorang wanita ini mudah benar terluka dan tersentuh dan sememangnya saya dilahirkan untuk terlebih drama dari manusia yang lain.

(may i write in broken english? thank you. hahahaha)

So we went back to Kedah, one day before raya. The journey was so smooooooooooth than the journey back to my kampung Melaka. Because of what? Because i was able to sleep and snore and eeaaattt and annoyed my husband who was fasting and him, being patient with all the needs that i want

Nak bubur mcd laa  (unfortunately mcd takde dekat rnr highway kecuali rnr highway Genting Sempah, and we ended having a little fight

"tadi sebelum highway bukan ada mc d ke ? *muka nangis*
"ye la.. tapi semua mcd belah sana.. macam mana, sayang cakap lambat nak mcd..tiba2 dah highway"
"takkanla takde mcd lagi huaaaa nak bubur...lapaaar .."
"lain taknak?"
"taknak. nk bubur jugak"

yeah. i know. i hate myself too.

My husband weakest point is : bila isteri dia lapar. This sweet guy just cannot stands when im hungry

But because i insisted that i want bubur MCD!! I only be able to eat it after we arrived at Kedah, and after he dropped by at Aman Sentral Mall just to buy bubur for me. and that was 6 hours laterrr k. At 6 pm. I am freaking pregnant. Might be just fasting hahahahaha.. (padahal dah melantak jagung, milo 2 kotak letak ais , and many more )

So the drama starts from the 1st day of raya.
My in law family is a veryyyyyyyyyyyyy veryyy kind hearted family, they treat me so good that i do not feel like an outsider or stranger. Everyone was smile ear to ear with me and it feels so good like usual. It was the 3rd time i stayed at Kedah, and despite their humble hospitality and i was still feeling very shy when it comes to EAT.

THE depressing moments was:

1) There is no nasi impit on pagi raya. There is no kuah kacang. But there was Rendang cooked by mil, and my husband lovess it so much that i determined to learn how to cook Rendang. (butthatdeterminationvanishedrightaway) (hahahahaha) (itwashismothercook) (sonevermind) (everyonelovestheirownmothercookright). I ve been spending my Raya with nasi impit and kuah kacang and lemang and rendang. I mean, every single day of the first Raya as for the 23 FREAKING YEARS, that was what i usually eat on the first pagi Raya.

But on the 24th of my pagi raya, My lovely mil prepared keaw teaw goreng and rendang, and ketupat palas that she prepared last night. I was so taken aback by the fact that there is no usual food that I always eat, nevertheless i eat the keaw teaw like there is no tomorrow. SO hungry. (pregnancymakesyouhungryallthetime) (ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNING) It was SERIOUSLY OKAY AND I CAN ADAPT TO IT....SERIOUSLY SERIOUS.. i mean i know how to adapt with the situation. So it was like nevermind la.. balik kampung nanti boleh makan.

Later after solat Raya, and snapped some Family photos.. my husband family and I went to visit the saudara mara punya rumah from Kedah side sampaila to Perlis Side. We went to 6 houses but there is no freaking nasi Impit and kuah kacang. hahahahaaha. I was still okay with it. You know my face when expecting to every houses.

"UH oh.. ketupat pulut lagi.."
"uh oh.. why did they serve nasi ayam..nasi hujan panas..mihun sup....where is the nasi impit? kuah kacang? helloo? are you there?? at the back of the kitchenn??"

But still i was okay with it. Malahan melantak lagi. HAHAHAHAAHA what do i deserve to eat all those kind of foodsssssss. Look at my "days to ganti puasa" it is gonna be so depressing to ganti hahahahahahaha. I can imagining my husband revenge, eating yummy food in front of me.... Err.. no la.. he is matured. He wont do that, dont you hubby? *wink*

But it was NO OKAY for me when the 2nd day of Raya came. My in law family has Open house on this day, and because i was too tired i woke up at 10 and lend my hands right away after i wash my face. Because it was a very busy day for the family, my husband and the family didnt have the time to ask me "qila makanla dulu..." TT TT TT , you know..morning is always the crucial time for me to eat.. My husband did shows me nugget on his hand ready to enter into his mouth but at the same time asked me " nak nugget?" and that was before i washed my face K. Ofcourse girl like me, have to take care of kebersihan. Luls, and I weakly said " no la..."

Later when i was doing some masak2 cores like carit ayam, my husband shoved one nugget to my mouth and he doesn't know how GLAAAAD i am to eat it. It was like "DO IT AGAIN HUBBY, SHOVED MY FREAKING MOUTH WITH NUGGET 100 TIMES I AM VERY HUNGRY BUT WHY DONT YOU SUAP ME THAT LONELY NASI GORENG TOO"

You see, 1 nugget entered my mouth because my husband gave me. Another 1 nugget entered my mouth after 1279237982times i tried to FIGHT MY SHYNESS TO eat. And that was all i eat until Zuhur. 2 beautiful nuggets. Only twoooooooooooooooooooooooooo..!! I was not be able to merengek to my husband because he went to kedai to buy some stuffs, and knowing him... he would try to search the items that assigned to him no matter what, so it was 2nd day of raya..no shops open rite..and to wait for him to come back home just to tell HOW HUNGRY I WAS, was a disastrous moment for me..

When he finally came back home, it was already almost 1 o clock. I went to the room and told him that i was soooooo hungry, and he being so blur said

"laaa kenapa tak makan?"
"kenapa tak makan? nak tunggu orang jugak ke baru nak makan"
"....hubby...lapar la...aaaa tak laratnya..lapar sangat.."
"kenapa tak makan.. kan nasi goreng ada tu nugget kan ada.."

this man.
why could not he get it that without him, i am nothing?! luls (apa kaitannya)
i mean, i still not used to the family, the shyness of me to eat like a family is still farr farr away from my comfort ability

then to save my energy from his blur ness, i just said that i want to go to mandi, and after i prayed zuhur and asar (jamak) he was still with

"kenapa tak makan... dah tau tak larat.."
"kenapa tak ma..."
"hubby! dahla tu..."

i mean despite asking me why dont I eat can you just take me some nasi goreng ke nuggets ke ape, but he is not. I dont know why.. he was searching for nahaslathis guy as he continued to teased me

"kenapa tak makannnnn.........."
"hubby...hubby ingat kelakar ke??" i sempat menjeling (and that was the first time i felt very angry with him)

right away after i said that, i burst into a very vey very saddening, howling tears and crying. I was feeling so extremely sad.. all the thoughts came to my mind..like..

"i wouldnt have to suffer from this hunger if i am at melaka now.." (so drama.....)
"i want to eat kuah kacng mama..i want to eat rendang mama.." 
"i want to go back now.. i dont want to stay here..anymore.."
"mama...can you hear my telepathy...i wanna go back..."
"nasi impit...............kuah kacang....rendang....."

my husband's baju melayu got basah after he tried to pujuk and hug me to calm me down... but it was not easy maaaan... it was a longg longggg cry... i was sobbing so real with mucus running out my nose, tears streaming down my face, so wet my tudung wet, everything wet.. Even after i stop crying, and my husband took me out of the room, i ran back to the room and cried a river again... how could you play with my emotion hubby.... (after all.. it was just because of food..duhh aqila)

And of of course my pity husband, who has to witness and pasrah with my touching ness, saying hundred times that he was sorry for treating me like that (hahahahaha) and i feel so bad. I always felt so bad every time he said sorry.. I mean he is always be a good husband to me, but this hormonal pregnancy emotions just to purrrr.....

To end my story,
i finally able to eat
nasi daging and mangga with kuah rojak. It tasted so MARVELOUSSSSSS and i was all happy again with my husband... hahahahahahaahaaha...

selamat hari raya Aidilfitri semuaaaa!!! 

01 July 2016

baju raya

Hi everyone ( i mean, hi, me, yeah hi myself hahahaha!)

So today, i went to one of the bangi mall to accompany my mom, because she wanted to buy my sister baju raya. Since it would be hard for her to carry my sister with trolley, me being sleepy err day has to fight the laziness inside my body and weakly said "yes, okay mummy" when she asked whether i want to follow or not.

And,this year i would have to beraya as a wife.... meaning,

  • i would not be a able to beraya with my family first (it is such a big depression butttttt but but husband first right... so i would have to spend days in Kedah and get reallll with life. You are someone wife aqila. he he
  • Since, i am someone wife, my husband now has the honors to buy me baju raya!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. So it feels so wrong to make my mum buys for me anymore.. I rarely ask her for money now... and i have less 'wish list' rather than the past of my life because merely i dont really have money (surirumah..) and i dont want to burden my husband... (but i burden him with lots of food that i want hahaha)
Continuing the story... as my mother already chose what to buy for my sister, she then asked me what i want for mine. I was like " oh no mummy, its okay..abang bani will buy it for me.. " "taknak..taknak lah. takpe kita taknak. 

As i said all those words with rigid voice my mother just make face like "hemmmmm" and suddenly she pick this one green blouse just to match with the other kain and asked me " yang ni lah nak?" of course i said "NOOOOOOOOO what kind of fashion is that hahahahahaha (atleast buy me something that is me mom. hahaha) Then while she gettin lost with full of baju raya and people (urgh) i said that i want to go to the Watsons for a while (my armpit is running out of rexona) and she just nodded.

Then, after i went back to the shop where she get lost, she was still not done with her business, and me calmly just waited outside and this moment when my mother finally done, and coming to us with one plastic bag and said " mama beli baju raya utk awak " and i was likeeee whatt "mummy whyyy kita taknak lah tak kisah... (more to whyyyy your fashion sense is so different with mine why you bought that without me HAHAHAHAHAHA) 

But seriously, i am married.. and after all... i burden her more than enough already, she pays for everything.. and although she seems to be loaded, but she always struggling to keep us survived. With sooooooooooooo so many bills... kereta rumah air api minyak makanan and she is a single mother and old... I am 24, but ive got nothing to offer her.... *BIG SIGHING* That is why i refused to say yes when she wanted to buy anything for me.. It is my husband responsibility now.. *cries a river* and of ocurse my husband is very responsible husband, Alhamdulillah.. (when he knows that im out with my mom to buy baju raya, he bank in money for me to buy it for me also )(baru gaji semalam) (hahahaha)

Anyway, thankyou mama...
for everything..sorry for being a spoiled brat daughter to you (i am honestly very manja, tskkk)
kasihanilah ibu ku....sebanyak mana dia mengasihi ku..
deep inside, i know Heaven is for you mama..

my son is 6 and my daughter is 5 this year

Masya Allah my eldest son is 6 years old this year……..6 FREAKING YEARS OLD??/?? WHERE DID THE TIMES WENT? Okay mummy sorry baru nak update t...