21 July 2016


hi Assalamualaikum!

My sister, Asfia has been teasing me a lot about how will i look during my pregnancy. She keeps saying things like

"wehhh aku tak sabar naktengok kau kembang hidung kembang perut bonyot, bontot besar,segala galanya lah kembang!! hahahahaha"

Continued by her hysterical laugh. Seriously this kid. Annoyed me 24hours. hahahahahaha

and as her laugh ended, i can only gave her deadly stare and said

"eeee mana ada lah, ada je orang pregnant tak besar pun, perut je besar. kau senyap lah!!

and she will replied very very very confidently to me,


the word 'kembang' keeps echoed in my ears.......gais..... 

YA ALLAH, can i just kill her? hahahahahahaha kiddin. i love her.

Nevertheless, at first, i thought mehhhhh no la, i will never get any bigger than this. Look at me, im 3 month pregnant but I keep losing weight. It is so impossible to me to get bigger. I would look like the other gorgeous prgenant woman who keeps their body steady and slimmer. HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUUHUHU.

My first month till the third month of pregnancy, i was feeling err sick everyday and some days it gets better but mostly...if you witnessed me vomit out the yummy food that i ate, you also gonna pity the food and obviously me (looks super horrible with sad looks). How waste for the beautiful creatures have to be thrown up in longkang najis. Haha. And my appetite also was nowhere to be. It is in contrary because i am a food lover. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to eat. I could order three different of dishes for one dinner (and not finishing it...ups.. haha)

My weight during the time that I suspect i am pregnant was*4something, and suddenly after weeks of vomiting and no desire to eat, that my husband merely has to force me to eat (never people force me to eat before this hahahaha) i have lost around 4 kilos. I was even more heavier during my wedding. LOLLLLLLLLL.

But now, since i am on my way to the fourth  months, it seems like my mualness and vomitting tends to be..............GONE.Tiba tiba hilang. I have heard that pregnancy sickness will eventually gets better in the third to fourth months and i guess that is right.. syukur ALHAMDULILLAH. hahahaha. My mom told me that she used to has pregnancy sickness (mual and muntahh muntah )  till the 9 months of her pregnancy and it happened to every single pregnancy she has. I was like "wowww.. could it be genetic that i would inherit your way of pregnancy sickness? oh Allah, please no.. i cannot tahan.. no la.... " sambil mata berair. Plus, she has been pregnant for 7 times. Allah blessed you mama. Huaaa...

It was horrible. KEMUALAN. It was like your healthiness has been yanked, and all you can do everyday is mourn over it. You got no energy to do any tasks and house cores nd also dont have the mood to even be happy. (bila mual la.. bila tak mual.. its like i own the world!! ahahahahaha)

Since the mual mual and muntah muntah seems to be out of my sight for now.., i keep eating and eating, and hungry is my normal thing again. I have nasi in the morning , during lunch and also dinner. WOW. Just wow. and wow again. Like wowwwwwwwww. HAAHAHAHAHA.

I guess then, i have to .............

you know... starts imagining my self when i will look 'kembang' in the upcoming months....
and hemmmmmmmm. 

Anything for you baby, mummy Loves you. and Papa also. Just please, behave well.. starts practising to sleep during the night only, so by the time you out, you dont have to be wailing and crying disturbing our beautiful sleep. Mummy and papa is an old couple on the inside k. We love to sleep just like the elders. hahahahahaha.

bye bye *wink

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